Update status :2019-09-27 11:07:03

mining zone som poprepajal a stale prepajam jednotlive farmy aby bola produkcia charcoalu centralizovana

Update status :2019-09-27 11:05:35

drobne designove vylepsenia na hlavnej budove

Update status :2019-09-27 11:04:54

zrusil som farmu na junglove drevo a dal som tam radsej klasiku Oak

Update status :2019-09-25 17:07:57

postaveny dalsi ultimate solar panel na vyrobu lavy v mining dimenzii

prestavena vyroba na blutonium

Update status :2019-09-24 22:00:28
  • Postavena farma na emeraldy
  • velmi mierne pokrocenie v Thaumcrafte


Botania - lenses
  • White - The very basic lens, it doesn't do anything.

  • Light Blue - Velocity Lens: Makes the burst 2x faster, although it can only store 0.75 times the mana. It also starts to lose mana a lot faster. Good for small distances.

  • Orange - Potency Lens: Makes the burst carry 2x more mana, but makes it slower, and when it starts to lose mana it does so faster. Good for cases where the speed of the spreader is bottlenecking the flow.

  • Red - Resistance Lens: Doubles the amount of time the burst can go without losing mana, but makes it a bit slower.

  • Yellow - Efficiency Lens: Makes the burst take just a bit less time to start losing mana, but when that happens, it does so at a lot slower rate. Good for large distances where a small amount of power loss isn't problematic.

  • Brown - Gravity Lens: Adds gravitational motion to the burst, also slightly increases the amount of time it can go without losing mana, to compensate.

  • Purple - Bounce Lens: Makes the burst bounce off walls.

  • (Not in the image, NYI) - Bore Lens: Makes the burst break any blocks it comes across (except the target mana storage block, of course), using it's own mana to do so.

  • (Not in the image, NYI) - Damaging Lens: Makes the burst damage any entities in the way, using it's own mana to do so.



Update status :2019-09-20 22:56:25

drobne vylepsenia

Update status :2019-09-20 15:51:26

opravena vyroba terrasteelu

Thaumcraft 4 - thaumium ingot

4x Praecantatio (4x greatwood logs)