Denny update :2019-08-30 15:49:38

spravena farma na mushroom

Denny update :2019-08-30 00:05:18

dokoncena prva faza reorganizacie autocraftingu:

  1. postavene nove jadro
  2. premiestnene autocraftingove  interfaces a molecular assemblers
  3. premiestnene masiny z engineering to autocraftingu
  4. otestovane craftenie
Denny update :2019-08-29 22:08:58

prva cast prekablovania je hotova

Denny update :2019-08-26 17:34:52

farma na wood dostala unbreakable mattock

Denny update :2019-08-26 17:32:40
  • pridane krafetenie lavabucketov
  • postavena industrial coken oven z Immersive Integration
Denny update :2019-08-25 10:21:24

spravil som 2 unbreakable tools - 2x mattok pre farmy v mining zone

How do you make an unbreakable hoe to place in a Farming Station?

- Tool Rod Pattern
- Axe Head Pattern
- Shovel Head Pattern
- Large Plate Cast

- Magical Wood (3)
- Magical Wooden Axe Head (1)
- Magical Wooden Shovel Head (1)
- Magical Wooden Tool Rod (1)
- Obsidian (29)
- Obsidian Tool Rod (1)
- Obsidian Large Plate (7)

Using a Part Builder, utilize the patterns (Tool Rod, Axe Head and Shovel Head) and Magical Wood to make Magical Wooden Axe Head, Shovel Head and Tool Rod.
3 parts to make a mattock - also, a Magical Wooden Shard.

Create a mattock entirely of magical wood (Magical Wooden Axe Head + Magical Wooden Shovel Head + Magical Wooden Tool Rod), using your Tool Forge.
Upon creation of the Magical Wooden Mattock, you'll see that the Modifiers Remaining shows 9 - that means you've done this step correctly.

Using the Part Builder, create an Obsidian Tool Rod (Tool Rod Pattern + 1 Obsidian).
Now we have an Obsidian Shard. Huh.

Within the Tool Forge, combine Obsidian Tool Rod with the Magical Wooden Mattock, and you'll find your Magical Wooden Mattock now has Reinforced III, and still has 9 Remaining Modifiers available.
Now the main portion of the tool is made, we need to now increase the level of Reinforced.

Within the Smeltery Controller, place 28 Obsidian. Once melted down, right click your Seared Faucet so that the molten Obsidian goes onto your Casting Table (with Large Plate Cast on table) - this will give you Obsidian Large Plates, which we need 7 of.
We're nearly done, so hang in there!

Within the Tool Forge, combine Magical Wooden Mattock with 7 Obsidian Large Plates - each time you add one, you'll noticed the Reinforced level goes up by 1.
Once you reach Reinforced X, that's unbreakable!

Denny update :2019-08-23 23:43:33

spravena farma na clay cez Clayconia, Botania a ciastocne dokoncena fasada novej veze zakladne

Denny update :2019-08-19 19:35:27

postaveny dalsi steam boiler a 6 steam turbin z Minefactory Reloaded

stale zabudam,ze mam v nuklear roome crafting terminal