Po velkych trapeniach som rozbehol Starlight infusions
Ritual Tinkerer
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Co by som moho este spravit, ale otazne je ci sa mi to chce, je ze okrem moznosti vypnutia krystalu budem mat moznost aj vypnutie mobov, to dava nutnost zapojit lampy co nie je v sucasnosti vobec jednoduche. Klucova bude ale uautomatizacia, musim vyriesit hlavne funkcnost ritualu na zber krystalov, bez toho to nepojde.
Rozhodne narocny den, podaril sa rozbehnut konstelacia, otestoval som ako funguje Gathering of Forsaken Souls, ale nefunguje aspon zatial Crack of the Fractured Crystal. Neviem kde je chyba ale to sa podda. Rozhodne musim velmi dobre naplanovat, kde umiestnim oba ritualy, zrazu mam v zakladi dost tesno. Zrejme budem musiet vykopat dalsie miestnosti ale dnes uz na to menam sil. Takisto musim zistit ako ohranicit posobenie ritualu aby sa mi nebili dva . Nehovoriac o tom poriadne natrenovat automatizaciu, ale nevylucujem,ze pojdem rovno naostro. navzajom. Porobil som aj nejake dekoracne veci, zasklil som vezu a rozsiril aj obytnu cast....
Crystal Automation
The gathering of the Forsaken Souls damages mobs in order to speed up crystal growth, and cause crystals to grow at a lower will cost. Please note that it does not generate will in and of itself - that's a common misconception. The crack of the fractured crystal automatically causes Crystals which are sufficently grown to break off a piece of crystal, without destroying the entire crystal. This is important. When a crystal first grows in a crystalizer, it does so at a high cost in will. However after that, it'll grow smaller sub-crystals on itself. These cost considerably less Will, and can be removed either by the Crack ritual, or by hand if you have a sufficient amount of will in your inventory (over 1024 IIRC). The key to automating demon will production is pumping these smaller crystals into a Demon Crucible. They'll be destroyed - but will add more Will to the aura of their chunk than it cost to make them in the first place, especially if you're running a Gathering of Forsaken Souls. I'm afraid I don't know the exact ranges of the rituals, but I hope that helps.
Attunement Perks
Attunement Altar
Podaril sa mi postavit spravne Attunement Altar a ziskal som nejake perky pomocou existujucej konstelacie.
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