Moving mob spawners in 1.12
  • Drop of Evil: From Extra Utilities, will drop a resturbed spawner that is controllable by redstone, ignores player presence, and can be upgraded with speed upgrades

  • Moving Wand: From Too Many Wands, simply picks up the spawner, using either player XP or RF, depending on configs

  • Carry On: If it doesn't currently allow you to pick up a spawner, you could upgrade it's version if it's not current, or check the config to enable it to allow it

A good trick, if you have Actually Additions and Extra Utilities, is to use a Spawner Changer to change a spawner into a mob you're looking for, then use a Drop of Evil to pick it up.

the best fruid to produce seed oil






pecan nuit






Seed: -2143500864

Blood Magic is usefull

You can automate most farm/item collection processes using Blood Magic rituals, you can theoretically do autocrafting with another ritual (although it's twitchy and I don't particularly like its approach), you can produce some pretty decent potions...

Also, the spell system is definitely worth using. I've used it to outpace a fully powered Ender Quarry for mining, so while it isn't 100% automated, it is much faster.

Spells that can mine massive volumes of stuff (entire chunks in moments), triple ores and smelt em. Who needs a quarry?

The Teleposer - Nothing like moving an end portal into your base.

Total immunity to all forms of damage you're likely to encounter outside of some very specific edge cases like Witchery stuff. Even void damage immunity. Hello pseudo-Creative mode!

Stupidly OP tools including a pickaxe that is actually too powerful to use anywhere near your base safely.

Rituals that provide awesome effects and look cool. Sooooo many great rituals. Who needs RF again?

A brokenly OP alchemy system (balanced by the whole exploding mechanic haha), including one of the easiest to obtain forms of creative flight.

And that's without considering mod synergies, like serenade of the Nether with Tinkers or Botania. Honestly, just watch some LP's (DireWolf20 does lots of cool stuff with Blood Magic). You'll get some ideas.


Summon a meteor full of ore, obsidian/lava generator, quarry (silk touch or fortune, or even auto grind to dust), speed up crop growth, auto planter/harvester. Gateways to wherever. Tree farm. Will stone blocks for building.

Early game, the ash alchemy arrays are fun. Good things for quick elevators, bounce pads, mob attractors, launchers.

Bound/living armor is awesome, though probably passed up if you have things like tinkers armor. Really nice passive boosts like jump boost, speed, extra health, elytra

Along with elytra, the air sigil is basically infinite rockets. Blood lamp sigil is a good general purpose light so you don't have torch spam. Transposition sigil is basically a block mover, good for spawners.

Teleposers are great fun and move areas of blocks at once. Nice single person teleporter, but also fun redstone machines. I've animated doors (works with CnB). I had a huge underground setup that would swap out astral sorcery attunement altars at a button press.

Early mid game, the item nodes are a really nice item transport system as well. Gotta love mod based item sorting


On the ritual front, perhaps try automating an augmented mark of the falling tower. Generating the LP to spawn meteors with any reasonable frequency will also be quite a challenge. You can also try setting up a system to brute force 4-5 effect potions.


  1. Fortune on a sentient sword is a must. It basically gets you "multiple" will things at once. Multiple in quotes there since it really all just goes to your gem anyway. More will on you gets you more will per kill as well. You only get will from hostiles, so killing a pen of cows will net you negative will (costs will per hit).
    That being said, the first part of your question about automation is a bit longer of an answer. There are two rituals here (so you're gonna be a bit later tier altar since thats a lot of reinforced slates and obsidian).
    First ritual kills mobs and speeds up crystal growth. - Gathering of the forsaken souls - Will crystals in the active area take less will out of the aura to grow the side crystals. Normally it's like 70 will per part of crystal (which only nets you 50 if you throw it back in the crucible). With this thing killing many types of mobs, it'll reduce the will required and also grow the crystals faster.
    The second ritual is paired with it. Crack of the Fractured Crystal. Like the name sounds, this cracks off parts of crystals, leaving the center one so it'll keep growing. They pop into the air, so you need a way to collect them.
    If you're interested," target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow ugc">I've got an older episode of my simply magic 2 Let's play where I set it up. Unfortunately, it's formatted as an LP, not a strict tutorial, so you'll have to jump ahead

  2. I've never used woot, so couldnt help you there sorry.

  3. Gate of the fold. These are interesting. It's a ritual. You set up a couple of them, and they use their surroundings as a "key" of sorts. I'd have to look up a video to explain them better. From what I recall (I've tended to use other things just out of size considerations) they look at the blocks in front of and on the side of the ritual, anything with matching blocks (maybe rune stones? again, dont quite remember, I'd have to do testing) is the paired gate. Walk through to go to its pair. I'd imagine you'd set up some teleposer system to toggle where to go if you wanted one gate to go to many other gates.

Programs and editors/Mapping
Essentia setup
Automated Essentia Distribution and the Thaumatorium


Essentia Distribution

First, I would like to mention others have posted this method of distributing essentia to desired jars before. symposes and Bullseye_Bailey have both posted about this method of distributing essentia. I learned it from someone on a multiplayer server, Space_Geinus595, who may have developed it independently, or learned it from some post or video. What I hadn't, and still haven't, seen posted is a method of using the distributed essentia with the thaumatorium. I have heard people talk about crystalizing the essentia, then using automated methods of burning the correct quantities and types of crystalized essentia to get the end result, but not of using the essentia directly, in liquid form, from the same reservoir it is stored in.

The system I developed does exactly this. I will explain how the essentia distribution and automated thaumatorium works, with a proof of concept build.

First you build your essentia sorting system. It starts with a source of essentia, the alchemical furnace and alembic in this example, with the essentia being pulled to a buffer with a bellows attached. The bellows provides a suction of 32 to the essentia buffer it is connected to, drawing the essentia away from the alembic.

Essentia from alembic

Next we construct the "spine." A series of buffers designed to pass essentia through them to where it will be distributed. Buffers have a default suction of 1. By crouch + right-clicking a tube leading from a buffer with a wand, you can change its behavior. Plain will cause it to act as normal. A blue ring will choke suction down to 1 on that side, in case you have bellows attached. A red ring will choke the suction down to 0 on that side. This suction comes from the affected buffer, not from the adjacent tube or apparatus. Due to how I have the red rings on the buffers, the essentia will go from the initial buffer, to the next, to the next, and so on so long as there is no path with greater suction. As a note, if there is a path with equal suction, buffers seem to distribute essentia in a round-robin manner, though that is not important to this build.

Settings on the "spine"

Side view of the "spine"

Next is the warded jars, void jars, and associated tubing. The jars will apply a suction greater than the buffers, and by labeling them we ensure that only specific essentia will go that route. As an alternative, labeled filters could be placed at the top, before the warded jars. Without ensuring only one essentia type could take a path, it is possible for two different types of essentia to take a path before one enters a jar, resulting in a jam. It is also possible for the warded jar to fill completely with the void jar empty resulting in an untyped suction that could draw in a different essentia.

Warded Jars and Void Jars

The side of the Warded Jars and Void Jars

The back of the Warded Jars and Void Jars

You will want a set of jars for every type of essentia that will be used, otherwise, the system will jam on essentia that doesn't go to jars. The void jars will continue sucking essentia even when full, so excess essentia of those types will be disposed of and will not interfere with the system.

This is a small, complete, sorting system. You will probably want one able to take more types of essentia. You could place jars on the other side of the system. You can extend it further. You could wrap it around an altar. From Thaumic Exploration you could place an oblivion jar at the end of the spine to deal with unplanned essentia. This is just a proof of concept.

Here it is after converting 8 charcoal into essentia:

After charcoal is converted into essentia

Followed by 8 cobblestone:

After cobblestone is converted into essentia


Next comes attaching a thaumatorium to the system. The thaumatorium creates several problems I had to overcome.

First, it creates 128 suction, which will overwhelm the system. To correct this, we will need to change some pipes in the essentia sorting system.

Second, it will draw essentia until it gets the required amount. This will leave unneeded essentia in the system, resulting in jams and essentia not being available, we will need to add additional tubing to correct this.

To prevent the thaumatorium from disrupting the system, wasting essentia, and to allow the thaumatorium to work, I will start by adding filters to the backs of the essentia distribution system. I have also added the basic essentia tubes that will transport essentia to the thaumatorium. Note that to reach a jar from the bottom, the suction has to pass through a filter. The filters are necessary, because that 128 suction I mentioned earlier would overpower the jars' suction, and cause only the suction requested by the thaumatorium to reach the spine. Essentia not matching the type being requested by the thaumatorium would not see the right suction and would proceed to the end of the spine, jamming up the system.

Applying filters

Side view of filters and main tubing to thaumatorium

Here is our thaumatorium connected to the tubing. This system will work with one essentia, then jam as leftover essentia blocks other essentia from passing through.

Connecting to the thaumatorium

To fix this, we need bellows, buffers, and directional tubes. The directional tubes attach to each and every piece of tubing heading to the thaumatorium, unless you need a buffer there. They receive their suction from a buffers with bellows, and due to their directional nature, will ignore the suction of the thaumatorium. This allows them to draw leftover essentia from the tubing heading to the thaumatorium, allowing it to continue working. Note that you assign a direction by right clicking the center of the directional tubing with a wand. The banded tube shows which direction the tube will accept suction from.

Directional tubes and configuration

Here you see the buffer providing suction to the directional piping. It provides enough to reach the furthest piece of directional tubing. You don't want it overpowering anything. It also presents zero suction to the tubing heading to our spine, allowing our essentia to be recycled.

Buffer and bellows

In a larger system, one buffer and bellows combination might not be enough, and too many bellows would cause problems. Instead use another buffer and bellows combination partway through the directional tubing to act as a relay. The buffer can provide 1(EDIT: If you only have one suction leading to the main line, essentia will go in a loop. Do not use the blue ring and used the full suction of a single bellows.) suction and clear out the tubing like a directional tube, while providing suction further down the line, and passing the essentia to the next section of directional tubing connected to a buffer and bellows.

EDIT: INCORRECT Buffer and bellows relay example

CORRECT Buffer and Bellows relay example

Here is our system before a trial run:

The completed proof of concept system

Full jars voiding excess essentia

The back

Here it is working on nitor:

Nitor Production

Here it is working on alumentum:

Alumentum Production

Things to note: The system is slow. It takes time to draw essentia from its source. It takes time to purge leftover essentia from the main tubing. It takes time to draw the next essentia from its source. This gets worse as the system gets larger. The exception is single essentia alchemical reactions. Those start slow, with the essentia being drawn from the source, but then go quickly as the essentia needed for the next reaction is in the pipes behind what was just used. If you are going to be doing a specific multi-essentia alchemical reaction repeatedly, it may make sense to build a smaller setup just for that reaction.

Filters do not block untypted suction. They convert it into their typed suction. This is why you don't want too many bellows on the recycling system buffer. You will cause a loop.

Other notes: I tried to create a "recently used essentia buffer" by placing a jar behind a buffer with two bellows, leading to a tube connected to the main tubing, near the thaumatorium. The idea was that the buffer would fill, stopping suction, the jar would fill, and then when the essentia was asked for again, it would pull from the nearby buffer and jar. This didn't work because buffers continue sucking even when full. The jar never filled, and the nine essentia in the buffer and tube behind it were recycled during the brief period between suction types from the thaumatorium.

A failed hope

I considered a buffer of chained buffers with normal tubing as an escape for requested essentia, but decided not to implement it. I would be interested if anyone got this setup going and if it works:

A possible improvement

A possible improvement's back" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Album

Thaumic energetics


infusion provider - umiestnit pod pedestalom, ktory je v strede pod runic matrixom

                        - prepojit so systemom pomocou fluix cablu

  Arcane assembler - obsahuje recepty na autocrafting

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knowledge inscriber zapisuje recepty do knowledge core  a tie prenesies to arcane assembler