Bees - A Comprehensive Guide
Update status :2019-10-27 23:57:56

Progress v Twilight Foreste:

Dalsi krok:

Knight Phantom

The Knight Phantom can be found in the Goblin Knight Stronghold underneath Dark Forests. Before being able to enter the stronghold, the player must find a room with a Trophy Pedestal. On the pedestal, they must place any trophy. When placed down the shield around the stronghold will be removed.

The player then needs to go through the stronghold until the Knight Phantom is found. When killed it will allow access to the Dark Tower.

Update status :2019-10-27 10:44:53

opraveny autocrafting v Bee sekcii, problem bol v zlom kabli. Namiesto dense conduitu tam bol len "obycajny" smart cabel

Update status :2019-10-26 21:51:27

zautomatizovany genetic sampler

Update status :2019-10-26 20:02:34

Botania: Zautomatizovanie Thermalily a Endoflamu a niektory run

Update status :2019-10-25 22:31:00

Zacal som s modom Genetics, postavil som separatnu technicku miestnost vedla technickej miestosti pre vcely. Vybudoval som malu infrastrukturu so siestimi inkubatormi a prislusnymi surovinami.

Getting Started with Genetics Mode

Ethanol (Water (Better Fruit Juice) + Biomas (Extra Trees is the best))

Incubators (6):incubator + water + growth media -> Liquid Growth Medium -> incubators + wheat = inc with Bacteria -> incubator + sugar = Enzyme 

incubator + bone meal = Polymerising Bacteria

incubator + blaze powder = Bacteria Vector



Growth Media (sugar + bone meal)



Chunk loading in FTB Infinity Evolved

/edit_config ftbu

Magic Apiary

The Magic Apiary works similarly to the regular Apiary, with 1x base Territory, Mutation, Lifespan, and Flowering modifiers, 0.9x Production modifier, and 0.8 Genetic Decay modifier. When an Apiary Booster of any type is placed nearby, the Apiary will consume aspects to enable 2x (or 1/2) boosts for, in order from left to right: Mutation, Death Rate, Production. Enabling death rate will halve lifespan. It's useful when all you're interested in is breeding, and don't have access to Oblivion Frames.

I'm trying to add toggle switches for each boost, but the netcode is fighting me so it might be a while yet. Also planning on possibly adding new types of Boosters, for Blood Magic and AM2 if it's stable enough on 1.7.