Heart canister - double health
Nether - > put regular skeleton spawner under cursed earth, this should spawn wither skeletons
Sparks are your friend for mass mana storage.
Recessive spark on the mana pool(s) receiving the mana from producers.
Normal sparks on your storage mana pool(s)
Dominant sparks on consumer mana pool(s)
Large mana consumers include, but are not limited to:
Orechid - Generates ores when stone is placed around it
Loonium - Generates loot chest drops (mineshafts, dungeons etc.) and drops the in-world around them
Terra Shatterer upgrades - Terra Shatterer is a tool that can be upgraded by dumping it on a mana pool. It drains the mana, in exchange for a larger radius. D > C takes a bit of mana, and each subsequent level takes 10 x the previous amount.
Keeping the Elven Portal open - Granted, this is mostly a given in mid-game Botania
Mass Terrasteel production - For Gaia summoning and/or crafting
Item duplication - Items like redstone, glowstone and quartz can be duplicated with a conjuration catalyst using a bit of mana
- Seeds: Mandrake, Belladona, water artichoke, Snowbell
- Witchcraft: Collecting fumes
- Soft Clay Jars
- Witcher Oven - does not accept ore, accept upgrades (not needed)
- Fume Funnel - upgrade ->Fume Filter -> Filtered Fume Funnels
- Cauldron, postavit nad ohen, right click s anoiting paste - > witchery cauldron -> 3 buckets of water
- Exhale of the Horned one + Mandrake + Egg ->Mutandis (bonemeal)
- Mutandis transformuje rastliny a stromy
- Rowan Wood , Alder Wood, Hawthorn Wood
- opatrne s rubanim, moze sa zjavit zivy strom :)
Spravena mob trapka v Netheru cim sa zvysila produkcia Essence. Zrusil som mobtrapku v Engineering roome a prerobil som hlavnu mobtrapku na zabijanie mobov pomocou Grinderu.
spustena vyroba Nutrient Distillationu (Ender IO) pre pohon Killer Jacka
spravena farma na Seed oil, upgradnute Forestry stroje ako Fermenter na Biomassu a Squeezer na seed oil
do podzemi Grenehousu prelozene dalsie farmy - sugar caneĀ a carrot
vyeabam svoju prvy whiskey :)