stonesman - grindstone
(librarian) - lecture stand
fletcher (tools)
Farmer - humus crate
2 years (not continuous) and 250 hours later, I've finally completed Enigmatica 2: Expert. It was honestly the most fun I've had playing a modpack. There is a satisfying sense of progress going through the quests. Thanks to /u/NillerMedDild for creating the pack!
No world download, because I'm terrible at building and my base is a series of stone rooms I carved into a hill.
Here are some tips I accumulated by playing. The pack version I played was 1.65d, so tell me if any of these tips are outdated.
Early Game
I don't have that many of these because I was in early game a year ago and have forgotten most of it lel
Craft a time in a bottle ASAP and always keep it in your inventory. It's useful to speed up machines.
Make a cursed earth mob farm. Having a steady supply of mob drops is useful.
Immersive engineering waterwheels are good early game power. If you get lucky you might find an RTG in a loot chest.
Make a Tinker's I/O smart output as soon as you get your hands on ice. It's a vastly improved version of the casting table.
Mid Game
Rush an ME System. I put it off and had trouble finding my items. Also set up autocrafting when you can.
Convert your regular mob farm to an armor stripping one using integrated dynamics. The immersive engineering arc furnace can smelt down basically all armor made from ingots. You can get all Botania and Twilight metals for a bit of RF and HOP graphite. No need to make any terrasteel manually! You also get free quantum armor.
Ex Compressum heavy sieves generate a ton of common ores and are a good starter resource generation. Plus, you can get lucky and find one in a loot chest!
The Mekanism enrichment chamber can turn AE2 seeds into pure crystals extremely quickly.
Ethylene in a mekanism generator makes 7,000 RF/t, and upgrading to a manyullyn advanced generator vastly increases that to 60,000 RF/t.
Put your excess power into UU-matter generation. UU-matter can replicate more things than basic IC2, such as various machine blocks, dragon hearts, and litherite.
Environmental Tech connectors are crazy expensive to make considering how many of them you need, clocking in at 36 tin, 4 signalum, and 1 aluminum brass each. A much better option is to UU-matter them. They take about 2 mB each, which is really cheap.
Set up a void ore miner early. The various crystals are needed later on.
Configuring the scanner to look for charred cobblestone lets you easily find underground dragon lairs.
Set up dedicated supply chains to keep a constant supply of common materials in your ME System.
Draconium can be found in the Twilight Forest. Use a digital miner to get a head start with DE.
Mid-Late Game
The Mekanism fusion reactor can produce absurd amounts of power using only water.
Put off Thaumcraft warping research as long as possible (ideally until you need void metal for the ultimate ingots). Warp sucks.
Make a wither farm to get nether stars and supremium essence. You will need lots of essence for insanium ingots.
Ice and Fire dragon hearts can be converted into Draconic Evolution hearts. Using a mob duplicator can net you a bunch of hearts without having to use large quantities of UU-matter or fighting the ender dragon over and over again.
You only ever need to make 72 void metal ingots. As soon as you have that many, make a void metal seed. It's worthwhile considering how many you need for all the ultimate ingots.
Ludicrite has an involved crafting chain, which can be simplified in a couple ways:
The IF laser drill can produce ores that don't naturally generate, like ender amethyst. Set up a drill in the end and pump it full of magenta lenses for easy ender amethyst.
Scanning saplings in the Forestry analyzer lets you melt them down into liquid DNA, unlike vanilla saplings.
The chaos guardian is a bad mob, and it further reinforces my opinion that Draconic Evolution is a bad mod. Still, you need to fight it. After that, use UU-matter for any more chaos shards you might need.
Creative flight is disabled in the Twilight Forest but jetpacks aren't. Quantum armor has an integrated jetpack and is powerful enough to let you easily defeat the bosses.
Late Game
Make a creative fluid tank first. It's by far the most useful.
Check JEI to see what the ingot former can make. Besides the obvious ingots, it can also make diamonds, uranium-238 (for DU-plating), and blutonium (from liquid plutonium).
Some ingots can't be made in the ingot former, but the smart output can cast either ingots or blocks.
The crystallizer can get you infinite calcium sulfate for elite plating.
Don't try to autocraft Ultimate Induction Providers/Cells or HV Solar Arrays from scratch. It will bring your PC to its knees.
One of my biggest mistakes was trying to find a questing ram manually. I spent 3 hours crafting several magic maps and wandering aimlessly through the Twilight Forest before giving up and trying to find a better way. As it turns out, Nature's Compass is in the modpack. The recipe is stupidly cheap. Just search for an enchanted forest and you're bound to find a questing ram.
One of the most infuriating parts of the pack was having to create 130,000 certus for the singularities. It doesn't have a fluid form so you have to get it all "legitimately".
One method is certus seeds. I used 25 cloches farming them in a compact machine. That produced a lot.
A tier 6 void miner produces charged certus quartz, which can be turned into regular certus quartz by macerating, making seeds, then crafting the pure certus into regular certus blocks.
Alternately, you could create a certus dimension using RFTools. However, to make a dimension builder you need 10,000 certus already, and you need 4,000 more to make a dimlet. Beyond that, the dimension itself is crazy expensive to maintain, to the tune of 2,500,000 RF/t. Efficiency dimlets reduce that cost, but are expensive themselves. It's definitely feasible, but I didn't do it because my cloches were adequate.
Everything* for the ultimate stew can be bought from the Cooking for Blockheads market. *Except Rustic berries.
Animania frogs are just about impossible to find in the wild. Luckily, Animania has a random animal spawn egg that can be crafted in the carpenter. Make a bunch of eggs and spam them until you get a frog.
Integrated dynamics lets you automate multiple extended crafting recipes using only one table. I used /u/lord_ne's excellent tutorial, found here.
Neutronium ingots can be made by transposing neutron fluid into titanium iridium alloy. You don't have to make a single neutron collector.
Read the tips on the loading screens. They are actually pretty useful.
Automation is critical. Make sure everything you might use more than once can be autocrafted.
Do the quests! Even if they seem pointless you can get some good loot like singularities, litherite, and RTGs. Plus, you get a ton of different foods. I didn't have to craft any food manually because I got so much from loot chests.
Californium-250 can be found in dragon lairs and makes the most powerful type of RTG.
Nutrition only depletes when your hunger does, but it ignores saturation going down. You can cheese nutrition by jumping in a pool of liquid meat whenever your saturation gets low.
My power progression was: waterwheels & RTGs (~500 RF/t) -> Mek ethylene (7,000 RF/t) -> manyullyn advanced generator (60,000 RF/t) -> Mek fusion reactor (>1,000,000 RF/t)
The sink is the best source of water in the pack.
Osgloglas tools have the "brown magic" attribute, which provides free cross-dimensional teleportation. Battlesigns with osgloglas handles are equivalent to DE advanced dislocators, but way cheaper.
Don't underestimate IC2. Machines with 15 overclocker upgrades can process items instantly.
Mekanism universal cables can power IC2 machines. Just don't overuse them, because they apparently cause lag.
The eclipse clock from Random Things can change the time using stored time from the time in a bottle.
Cyclic has many overpowered items with very cheap recipes.
Twilight Forest's Castle Door blocks
x: -1060, z: 2910