ak spravne vidim tak dokazem generovat 4000 RF/t
rozsirena kapacita vyroby charcoalu v mining dimenzii
postavena nova jungle farma v mining dimenzi na tvorbu charcoalu
vybudoval som vacsi reaktor o vykone 15KRF
prebudoval som kabelaz na chaft floore
pridal som dalsi steam generatr
nastavil som automaticke naplnanie pethal apotherary
Spraveny dalsi zdroj energie pomocou railcraft steam boileru z railcraftu, charcoalu a steam turbiny z minefactory reloaded.
First step:
Survivalist gen and 3 hobbyist steam engines I found in villages.
Second step:
Added 2 full water wheels (2 kinetic dynamos and 6 wheels) and 2 more hobbyist steam engines. Also 11 of the first tier RF solar panels.
Third step:
Went up to 5 full water wheels (5 kinetic dynamos and 15 wheels).
Fourth step:
Ic2 nuclear gen 420 eu/t.
Fifth step:
Max sized MFR tree farm 36 hp solid fueled boiler feeding 16 industrial steam engines. Changed my power transfer from IE cables into separated redstone energy fluxducts and glass fibre cable. Only using IE to bridge the two for mass fab.
Current step:
Running my IC2 nuclear gen on Mox fuel to make more plutonium and UU. Working on adding 3 more 36 hp boilers to reliably run an excavator.
namiesto serva pouzit retriever a pre kazdu polozku - acorn alebo resin treba nastavit 64 max in inventory:
za kontroler 1 stabilizer + 3 dalsie stabilizatory
diamanty ako zdroj hmoty
- item translocators
- build stone, gravel, glass, sand, silicon crafting machine and store it into crates. machine and crate connect with item translocators
- build interface terminal
- build all terminals in the centre of floor
- create separate floor for AE2
- build tritanium as much as possible (hog?)
- generovanie obsidianu cez soldfier - lava + sticks
- mobfarma cez minefactory
- loot fabricator
- vyrobenie energie cez gas-burning generator: pole so zemiakmi -> crusher -> pressurised reaction chamber
Twightlight forest