Uzitocne programy:
Some basic tips that I can give are that you will want to get a pure princess and drone of each type. Make sure to get a bee analyzer to analyze the bees and to make sure that they are pure, and it will help with further breeding. Also, when you get a good pure-bred bee, you can take the drones from those bees (via some form of automated apiary) and breed them with any princess (preferably one that won't cause any mutations) to get, eventually, another pure bred princess of that type. Take it slow. If you don't understand something, read up a bit on it. Bee keeping is both time consuming and relaxing, so if you feel like you need to rush, it isn't that good. Also, try mixing a common bee with one of the hive bees. You may get something ... fast.
You will need quite a bit of honey in order to analyze all the bees you get. If you have already managed to get a pure common princess and a pure common drone, I would suggest you put those in a separate apiary with some chocolate frames and keep breeding them. They are a decent source of honey combs early on before you get much better bees. And since manual breeding can get a bit tedious after a while, you might want to set up some automation. To do that you will need the apiarist's pipe which you can craft with diamond pipes and propolis. Tropical bees (found in jungles) are a good source of propolis early on. If you find that the honey you get by doing this is still not enough, breed more common princesses and set those up to auto-breed also so you can get more honey. Assuming you are still early in the game, and don't have huge amounts of energy to waste on some really power-hungry machines, another thing you could do to make your production more efficient is breed your bees with rocky bees (found underground) as they have some really good traits that can really help (nocturnal, flyer and cave dwelling if i remember correctly). What you want to do is try to pass on these good traits to your other bees, but at the same time make sure you don't let their species change to rocky. This involves quite a bit of luck, but it is definitely manageable if you don't mind some grind. At least this is what I did, although to be fair I did play other games in the past which had mechanics similar to this, so I knew what I was doing.
Energy storage upgrade
The Energy Storage Upgrade can be used to upgrade a machine's internal power storage. Place one or more into the four right-most slots to upgrade a machine. Each upgrade increases the storage capacity by 10,000 EU. Its main purpose is for use when a machine's energy consumption becomes too large for its internal storage to handle; this only happens when an extreme number of Overclocker Upgrades are present. It can also be useful for storing backup EU for when your energy generation stops functioning, but it is often more practical to craft more storage devices.
Moja budova
Treba naplanovat jednotlive podlazia, ale plan je taky,ze najnizsie poschodie bude asi energocentrala to jest - 4 alebo 5 krat steam enginy + konverzia na IC2 energiu cez konzumery, energy boxy a producery.
Moja budova
Podzemne poschodia budu 6 blokov vysoke + 4 bloky technicke podlazie pre kable a trubky
Solarne panely
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Oil to Fuel
jabba - just another better barrel,